Monday, October 28, 2013


*ing : Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode
Director : Chan-wook Park

Tagline : Do not disturb the family.

I couldn't recommend this film to anyone. It's a shame because I wanted to like it. The cinematography was beautiful and the opening scene was intriguing but it went downhill rapidly and stayed there. It wont appeal to horror or suspense fans because there isn't any. Fans of good drama can look elsewhere as there's none of that either. And no action, awesome scenes of violence or even romance. So.... who exactly is liking this mess is beyond me.
All of the characters, apart from the one played by Jackie - are bland tho slightly irritating and have nothing about them to like or relate to. I couldn't raise any interest in any of their fates.

In summary, the whole film is tedious and boring. Really.... really ... astoundingly boring.

The director has a great reputation and some of his work is fantastic. I think that's really the only reason people are praising this stinker. It's like the emperor's new clothes - everyone feels obliged to pretend it's awesome when really its clearly just a boring trite film about nothing.

Rating :
* & 1/2

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