Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Accidnetal Apprentice (Book)

*Written By : Vikas Swaroop

The thing which I write after I finish a book, “finished a book after long time” ! :) .. the accidental apprentice is written by Vikas Swaroop, the man who wrote very famous Q n A which was later turned into a very successful and popular movie, “Slumdog Millionaire”. The accidental apprentice has pretty much similar formula to the writing. An ordinary man (women this time) caught up in extraordinary circumstances and how she gets herself out of the situation. The whole book was was good, it was pacy, gripping and had a mystery to it. The subject was interesting as well as entertaining. But the climax was such a let down. The whole buildup ended up being such a sham coz of a lame climax and I felt utterly cheated and reading it.
A bad book hurts more than a bad movie. A movie takes 2 hours and you may or may not invest emotionally in the characters but a bad book always saps you. Invariably you end up investing in the characters and it surely takes much more than 2 hours to finish any book.
Heavily disappointed by the ending, or else wud hv been a good read.
Rating :

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