Monday, March 4, 2013


*ing : Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, John Goodman
Director : Ben Affleck

Tagline : The movie was fake. The mission was real.

Argo won the award for best movie at Oscars this year. After prolonging for months, I ended up watching the movie and quite enjoyed myself. I have always been fan of movies directed by Ben Affleck. Gone Baby Gone and The Town. Liked both of them. But both movies were more in his comfort zone as both were set in his hometown Boston. First time he goes on a completely different territory and goes all the way to Iran in 1980. Where a crisis in Iran has forced few Americans hide in a diplomat’s house. The situation is quite bad and they needed to be taken out soon. So these people pretend being a film crew and take them out. Sounds simple but film is damn good edge of the seat riveting thriller. Your heart is in mouth in final moments of the film. As I said, I really enjoyed this film, yet I cant agree that this is the best film of the year. I dnt know myself which other one wud be but it dint seem like a right choice. Also, Academy must hv nominated Ben Affleck for best director. I think that’s the guilt that made them vote for Argo as best movie.
Rating :
*** & ½

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