Sunday, March 31, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

*ing : Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro
Director : David O. Russell

Tagline : Watch for the signs

Silver Lining Playbook is an acclaimed movie starring host of brilliant actors starting with Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert Di Nero and our very own Anupam Kher. The film is abt dysfunctional broken disturbed sad people and issues of their life and how they try to find silver lining in it. Bradley Cooper has just come out of mental institute and is trying to make his marriage work. Jeniffer Lawrence is a young widow who is is in acute depression and sleeps with everyone in her office. De Niro has OCD about games and remotes. The film is fun but I was truly truly blown away by the performance of Jenifer Lawrence. So much so I think I hv fell in love with the lady. She’s outstanding in the movie. She justifiably got the Academy awards for best actress this year. She’s just toooo good. You wudnt expect such a performance from such a young actor. More so, Jenifer has this cute round face but in the movie, the way she plays the character you can actually feel her grief and you want to own her and love her. I don’t remember having such a strong crush on since Avril Lavigne. But I think Avril was more of a teenage fantasy whereas Jenifer is sort of women I want to keep and love forever.. Watch it for Jenifer Lawrence. Film is good too.
Rating :
*** & ½

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