Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's a MAD MAD MAD MAD world

*ing : Spencer Tracy, Milton Berle, Ethel Merman
Director : Stanley Kramer

Tagline : If ever this mad, mad, mad, mad world needed "It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world" it's now!

This film was strongly recommended by Shahrukh Khan and apparently its one of his favorite comedy movie. No way in world I could hv missed the movie. As the title suggests, it’s a mad mad mad mad movie in this mad mad mad mad world. Group of 5 stranger get a hint that there is a hidden treasure in a park. they all rush for it and it shows the how mad people are. There are some hilarious hilarious scenes. The film is made in 1963 and yet it seems very relevant. The simple greed and madness people have for money. In the film, ironically the mad ones behave sane and the sane ones behave mad. Watch it. You will love it.
Rating :
*** & ½

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