Sunday, March 31, 2013


*ing : (voices of ) Brad Garrett, Lou Romano, Patton Oswalt
Director : Brad Bird, Jan Pinkava

Tagline : A comedy with great taste.

Does Pixar ever disappoints?? well atleast I haven’t been disappointed by their films. Ever. Infact every time I see a Pixar movie, the bar is raised soo high that I wonder if they will b able to live up to it when they next movie. But they do. Ratatouille is about a rat who dreams of becoming a chef in food capital of the world , Paris. Now rat is the last thing we associate to the kitchens and we don’t want to see them anywhere near our food. Also, the name Ratatouille is of a obscure French dish. Who would ever think that there can be a magical movie based on these two themes. The film is very funny and has lot of subtext and layers to it. The line which you will take out from the movie is ‘anybody can cook’. And it sounds soo true. More so, the film brings out the love for food in our life. We work hard all our life and accept mediocre food. That shouldn’t be the case. You should enjoy your meal. Love it. Adore it.
Do watch the movie.


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