Saturday, July 20, 2013

Minority Report

*ing : Tom Cruise, Max von Sydow, Colin Farrell
Director : Steven Speilberg

Tagline : The system is perfect until it comes after you.

I am not the type to watch films again just for the sake of it. However I wanted to watch this one coz it had been long I saw original and I had very few memory of wat film was about.
In the future, murders are prevented before they are performed. When pre-cog officer John Anderton (Tom Cruise) is accused of committing a pre-crime, he must find out why he will kill a man he has never met.

'Minority Report' is Spielberg's best of the 2000s.

Great story and script. It fast-paced, intelligent, and real at the same time.

Tom Cruise gives a great emotional performance and uses his smile perfectly.. Colin Farrell gives a great snobby performance and his chemistry with Cruise is top-notch.

The star of the film is Steven Spielberg. This movie is an old-school noir story, set in the future. The production design is high-tech with chrome and clear windows everywhere. The special effects are amazing, as well as the cinematography and editing.
Never boring and always interesting. Must watch if you have not.
Rating :
*** ½

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