Saturday, July 20, 2013


*ing : James McAvoy, Vincent Cassel, Rosario Dawson
Director : Danny Boyle

Tagline :

I have liked Danny Boyle and his movies. So, clearly I was kicked to watch Trance. I like James McAvoy, I think he's a really good & charismatic actor. (probably the best James Bond England never had. ) And Vincent Cassel, in my opinion, always delivers. The movie pumps you up with an intriguing storyline, flashy & artsy camera shots & angles, thrilling scenes backed up with a really good musical score. James McAvoy plays an auctioneer who is to hand over an expensive Goya painting to Vincent Cassel, doesn't do so, gets a knock on the head and as a result is unable to remember what he did with it. Cassel and his cronies then force McAvoy to undergo hypnosis from Rosario Dawson to try to refresh his memory. Once this is all in place the twists and turns start coming thick and fast, with much of the film taking place in McAvoy's mind, but what follows is often totally unexpected.

The experience of the movie for the viewer is similar in many ways to riding a roller coaster blindfolded. You know roughly what is going to happen, but not when it happens. You know there will be twists and turns and loops and drops, but you you don't know exactly what they will be. You feel exhilarated, scared and intrigued. Often all at once.

There is action, drama, great acting, suspense, intricate plot twists, intriguing characters, sex, violence, humour and rich dialogue all rolled into one wholly satisfying and enjoyable ride. What more can you want from a film? Oh and the score and cinematography never falls short of beautiful.

Rating :
*** & ½

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