Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wreck it Ralph

*ing : (voices of ) John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer
Director: Rich Moore

Tagline:He's smashing the game world wide open

I have been so caught up watching this television series these days, I hardly get time to watch Movies. Also the reason is that, there are no good movies these days to watch. Its also been long time I saw a any animation movie. Wreck it Ralph, which was nominated for Oscar last year and lost to Brave. I haven’t seen Brave yet, (though I did read some disappointing reviews) I think Wreck it Ralph totally deserved Oscar. It is everything an animation movie should be about. Funny, charming, bright colors, story which is for adults and kids both. This is what Pixar is (was?) famous for. And I how so wish this was made by Pixar.
The film is about a character within a video game named Ralph who does nothing but wrecking. He is a nice guy bt due to his work, he doesn’t get appreciated by anyone. Bored of his job, he leaves the game which creates a ripple effect which cud lead to entire gaming station being shut down. There is also a sub plot of an extremely cute girl wanting to win race who befriends Ralph and gives best moments of movies. Truly worth a dekko.

Rating :

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