Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Next Three Days

*ing : Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks, Michael Buie
Director : Paul Haggis

Tagline :Lose who you are to save what you love.

This movie is "watchable", but not a whole lot more. Being a big fan of the show Prison Break, I generally enjoy this style of film/show and thought that this movie had a lot of potential, but by the end, it just seemed like a cheap imitation. The characters were not particularly believable, especially Russel Crowe, who had a pretty sub par performance compared to some of the great movies he's previously starred in. There were additionally a handful of minor holes in the plot that just left it feeling poorly thought out and executed. The whole movie just feels a little bit rushed and poorly put together, so I would not see it again. If you're a big fan of Russel Crowe or have nothing better to do, it's worth watching, but in any other instance, I wouldn't recommend it.
Rating :
* * & 1/2

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